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Rules & Regulations

Arrival: Thursday, Sept 5th, at 2:30 pm, or later

Check-out: by Sunday at 12:00 pm

Attendees must be 18 years of age or older

You must be 18 by the start of the camp and have a valid state ID or driver's license. While we would love to allow minors to attend, as we have in the past, we can no longer allow it. Now that we are a larger event, allowing minors to attend is a huge liability. We hope you can understand. 

Firewood from outside the area is not allowed

To limit the spread of invasive tree-killing pests, firewood from outside the area is not permitted. Please help protect our forests from invasive species by obtaining your firewood at or near the camping destination (ideally within 10 miles) and burning it on-site. It is illegal to bring firewood into Michigan from areas quarantined for Asian longhorned beetle, thousand cankers disease, basalm woolly adelgid, hemlock woolly adelgid, and/or mountain pine beetle – unless it is certified, heat-treated firewood. Visit to learn more!

​No weapons allowed

For the safety of our guests, weapons are not allowed on the grounds of the furcamp, including within cars. This includes axes, guns, swords, knives over three inches, stun guns or tasers, and any other item that may be considered a dangerous weapon. Weapon props are permitted as long as they do not have a sharp blade or any other feature that could harm a person. A prop gun must have an orange tip. Items used as tools, such as knives under 3 inches that follow Michigan's knife laws, hammers, lighters, and multitools are permitted. Mace and bear spray with a locking or safety mechanism are permitted. Please email us if you have any questions.

Maximum of 100 attendees

Due to campground restrictions, we have to be strict about keeping the attendance under 100 people. For that reason, ALL attendees must be registered to attend.

All food must be safely stored at night

This campground is teeming with wildlife! At night time, you must put all of your food in the bear box (located across from the group campsites, near the road), your car, or your tent. We take no responsibility for any food that is ransacked by wildlife. And trust us, they WILL get ahold of your food and they WILL eat it.

We are in the middle of nowhere!

There is a small general store 15 minutes away, and the nearest grocery store is 25-30 minutes away. Please make sure you have enough gas to make it in and out. It is also recommended to stock up on food and drinks before arriving.

You must be registered to attend

All attendees must be registered through our registration portal. Anyone who is not registered will be turned away. This includes day visitors.

Zero Tolerance Policy

This Policy prohibits all forms of harassment, harassing conduct, and discrimination. It is unlawful to harass or discriminate against based on legally protected characteristics. Accordingly, NMFC hereby prohibits harassment and all forms of discrimination based on sex, age, disability, perceived disability, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic. In addition to those specific legally protected characteristics mentioned above, NMFC prohibits harassment and all forms of discrimination based on personal appearance. Those found in violation may be dealt with accordingly. 

Campers/RVs are not allowed

While we would love to allow attendees to bring their campers and RVs, the campsites we stay at do not allow them. We please ask you to please bring a tent, hammock, bivy, or a similar form of shelter. Car tents will not work as cars are not permitted on the campsite.

No electric hookups and limited data connection

There are no electric hookups available at the campground. We recommend bringing a charged battery pack to keep your phone charged! Generators are not permitted.​ Also, keep in mind that data connection is limited. There is no data at the campsites, however, you will get a bar or two at the beach. 

All non-handicap vehicles must be parked in the secondary parking lot

There are a limited amount of parking spaces outside the campsites. The parking spaces directly outside the campsites may be used for loading and unloading, but cars must be moved to the secondary parking lot after doing so. There is a small fee for the secondary lot which you can pay at the self-service pay station after parking. The spaces directly outside the campsites are reserved for handicapped and staff.


This site uses a vault toilet. It will be restocked once a day by campground staff. No showers are available on or near the campground, so we recommend bringing baby wipes or a portable shower. Potable water is available, however, we recommend bringing bottled water.


The campground we are staying at is located in a national forest, so it is free to enter. Also, we ask attendees to be courteous of other campers and keep music and shouting to a respectful decibel. 


Dogs are allowed on the property. By bringing a pet, you agree to the pet waiver (found on the registration page). All dogs must be on leashes and accounted for by their owners. 

We ask you to please follow all orders in place to protect our National Forests. These are official orders from the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service. These orders include the use of motorized vehicles, possession/storage/transportation of alcohol and drugs, use of fire, scenic trail restrictions, protected wildlife regulations, and more. To see all orders, visit this link.

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